To unlock the precinct for urban renewal, Infrastructure NSW has followed a State Significant Precinct planning process.
The Blackwattle Bay Precinct was declared a State Significant Precinct (SSP) and has been following a Department of Planning and Environment SSP planning process. The planning process is illustrated on the left.
The SSP Study prepared in 2021 provided a comprehensive assessment to determine the development potential of the area, carefully considering environmental and social factors, and identifying the infrastructure needs of the future population. The study included an Explanation of Intended Effects (EIE), Design Code and supporting technical studies. Community engagement has been essential in the development of the Precinct, and will continue throughout the urban renewal.
The NSW Government is seeking an experienced delivery partner for the existing Sydney Fish Market site. Urban renewal is expected to occur after the new Sydney Fish Market is operational and tenants have moved into the facility.
Explore the existing Sydney Fish Market opportunity.